Jean mermoz dakar inscription
Jean mermoz dakar inscription

Monitors the level of exposure to risk affecting teams in the field and validates the security frame proposed by the heads of mission for each project.Creates and maintains a network of relevant political, humanitarian, medical, academic contacts to ensure the best knowledge of the environment for the teams working in the field, especially in tense contexts.Makes sure the key medical and/or humanitarian stakes are identified within each mission and project, prioritizes them, carries them internally / externally (through bilateral meetings, documentation, témoignage and communication) determines the way MSF will address the issues at stake and its public position.Is responsible for steering the operations’ planning cycle, making sure that transversal internal processes are respected, that MSF policies are translated into action unless justified otherwise, and that resources are adequately mobilized to support the operational objectives and chosen intervention strategies.In accordance with the Charter, the Chantilly / La Mancha agreements and the operational policy of the OCG, the Programme Responsible ensures the overall relevance, timeliness and quality of MSF’s assistance for populations in danger (within a selected group of countries).Using the various forums in the office to share operational challenges, dilemmas, concerns and achievements.presentation to the Geneva morning info point), Promoting internal understanding and visibility of programmes (i.e.Making coordination’s aware of headquarter issues,.Organizing the best possible circulation of information coming from the field,.This comes with a responsibility to ensure coherence and dynamism at all levels of the OCG by: The Program Responsible (RP) and Deputy (ARP) are central positions in MSF, accountable for the activities of the organisation in the field and acting as interface between the missions and the headquarters.

Jean mermoz dakar inscription